South Leicestershire local quality of life survey - share your views with Alberto Costa

I am passionate about our villages and want to ensure that rural South Leicestershire remains a wonderful place to live.  My local priorities already include making our roads safer and quieter, helping communities oppose unsustainable over-development, better policing for our rural areas, faster and more reliable broadband and doing all I can to keep our local high streets thriving.  Your views matter to me so please tell me what would make our South Leicestershire communities even more special for you.

Take my South Leicestershire local quality of life survey

  • Current National Issues
  • Your details
Since my first speech in Parliament, I have campaigned against unsustainable rural overdevelopment. How worried are you about development on our green fields?
The government has recently changed the focus of mass housebuilding to existing urban areas and the redevelopment of brownfield sites. To what extent do you agree with this policy
Many South Leicestershire residents have told me they are worried about anti-social drivers who abuse our rural roads. How concerned are you about dangerous or noisy road users?
Which of these measures to support our high streets is most important to you? With the most important at the top as number 1 and least at the bottom Weight
Tackling anti-social behaviour
Lower rates for shops and businesses
More places to park for free
Keeping small village schools open and improving local education choices is one of my top priorities. How important is this to you and your community?
Living in a rural area, I know access to good broadband and mobile signal is crucial. How important is rural internet and mobile connectivity to you?
Local Residents have told me that the national issues listed below are of real concern to them. Please rank these issues in order of importance to you and your family - with the most important at the top as number 1 and least at the bottom Weight
Ending the small boat crossing in The Channel and securing our borders
Putting more police officers out on the beat, catching criminals, and deterring crime
Forging a strong economic recovery and reducing inflation
Guaranteeing our energy secruity by diversifying our supply, in turn helping prices to fall
Continuing to put record sums into the NHS to deliver better outcomes
Protecting nature and the 'green gaps' between communities
To help with the cost of living, the Government has capped single journey bus fares at £2. How frequently do you use local bus services.